2022 Stakeholder Dialog

■Held on July 1: Is it Possible to Strike a Balance between Purpose and Profit?

 On July 1, 2022, the one-year anniversary of business launch, we held a dialogue with a number of experts. As a step toward instilling and spreading awareness of our Purpose, which we announced on the day of the dialogue, we invited Mariko Kawaguchi and Mari Kogiso to discuss "Fine Today & Tomorrow 2030," our mid-to-long-term vision.
 The themes of the discussion were "ESG management and impact" and "ethical consumption and supply chains," and we were able to gain beneficial perspectives through lectures and frank exchanges of ideas on the latest trends encompassing our corporate activities, including procurement (palm oil), business and human rights, consumers, diversity, investments, branding, and human resource policies. The experts expressed high expectations saying, "Although your company is new and has only been in business for one year, we hope that you play an increasing role in motivating and leading consumers under the guidance of your forward-looking management team."



Mariko Kawaguchi, Specially Appointed Professor, Rikkyo University, and Executive Advisor to the CEO of Fuji Oil Holdings Inc.

Mari Kogiso, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of SDG Impact Japan Main participants from FineToday Group


Tetsuo Komori (Representative Director, President and CEO)

Yukiko Ishikawa (Executive Vice President and CBO)

Sanae Ishii (Executive Officer, HR)

Sogo Fujisaki (Head of Sustainability and Corporate Communications Sustainability Div.)

* The titles/positions of participants are as of the dialog held.