2023 Stakeholder Dialog

■Held on December 6: "Business and Human Rights" ~In Terms of Corporate Communication~

 Looking ahead to Human Rights Day, which falls on December 10, we held a dialog with experts on "Business and Human Rights."
FineToday has formulated "Fine Today & Tomorrow 2030," a mid-to-long-term vision based on the four Ps (Principles of Governance, People, Planet, and Prosperity), to serve as a roadmap to guide our efforts up to 2030. We consider a commitment to human rights to be an important theme under the category of "People."
We invited two experts to have a discussion with our in-house management team on issues that companies should bear in mind in the course of respecting human rights and how companies should communicate with their stakeholders regarding their efforts to respect human rights.

 First, we received input from Emi Sugawara, a professor at Osaka University of Economics and Law and a director at Global Compact Network Japan, on the importance of due diligence and remedies as set forth in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, in light of the fundamental questions of to whom "human rights" apply and what rights are entailed. Then, a lively exchange of opinions ensued, based on case studies, on how respect for human rights has become a prerequisite in global corporate selection, as a social requirement in corporate management.

 Tomoe Sumida, a corporate PR consultant at PRAP Consulting, Inc., began by commenting on the state of corporate communication within the context of various cases and projects. The discussion later moved on to a variety of other topics, including the importance of not only working to promote ESG but also of communicating the company's progress to stakeholders, as well as the crucial importance of adhering to a core corporate philosophy on "what FineToday does and for what purpose" in the course of such operations.

 Later, the experts participated in a wide-ranging exchange of views with the management team on global human rights in each area of responsibility, providing useful suggestions on how to respect human rights within the context of FineToday's sustainability management.



Emi Sugawara Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Osaka University of Economics and Law
Director, Global Compact Network Japan

Tomoe Sumida General Manager, Consulting Department, PRAP Consulting, Inc.
Trainer, Media Training, Senior PR Consultant


Tetsuo Komori Representative Director, President and CEO

Shintaro Suhara Director, Executive Vice President, CFO, General Manager, Business Management Division

Shigekazu Takatsu Executive Vice President, General Manager, Japan Business Division

Yukiko Ishikawa Executive Vice President, CBO

Yuki Takahashi Executive Vice President, COO

Sanae Ishii Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, Human Resources Division

Sogo Fujisaki Executive Officer, General Manager, Sustainability Division

*The titles/positions of participants are as of the dialog held.